; Date: 20190109 ####################### #******* . $. *******# #* * $*.$ $* *# #* *** * *..#. * *** *# #* *** * *$$*$ * *** *# #* *** * * ..*.* *** *# #* * $ $$$ * *# #******* . * * *******# # *#.* # # #****# * * *.** #*** *# # * $ *. $ $.****# #* * ** **#$#* * * **# #* * # # *. . $ . . *@# #***** *.$* $. *$**$$*# # * .**# . $ # #******* #***$ . .$ $ # #* * $.$..$$**** # #* *** * ## *$ $.* .$.# #* *** * * $ ... $ $ # #* *** * * *.**** #.$ # #* * * *** ** .# #******* ******* ** # ####################### Title: 推箱之家sokoban.ws (MF8 121st Sokoban Competition, Main) Author:Zou Yongzhong ; Date: 20181005 ####################### #******* ** * *******# #* * ..**.$. *# #* ***$*$* ***$.$*** *# #* *** .$.$# .$. *** *# #* *** . # . *** *# #* $ $$* *.* *$* $ *# #*.*.*.* * * * .**.***# # $$.$** $$ $$ # #**$ **. * $.. $. .*.*# # .*.* *$ # *****.$ # #* * *** # *$$** ** * # #*.** * .* # * $ # #* $ .$. * # .*$*** * # # $$ $ #*$# $$ . .* # #***.*.* *$ ***** . # #* $ * .##.*. $ $ * # #* *** *$* *. *.*$*.# #* *** . # *$ *$ .$. *# #* ***$*$ # $..*** # #*@ * .** ** * * $ # #******* ** . * ** *# ####################### Title: 推箱驿站sokoban.ws (MF8 121st Sokoban Competition, Extra) Author:Zou Yongzhong
Solutions are listed in the order they were submitted. The submitted time is shown in Beijing Time (GMT +8).
Order | Time | ID | Country | #Moves | #Pushes |
1 | 2019-03-08 19:25:48 | cjcjc | 1782 | 389 |
Sorted by #moves, #pushes, and time:
Order | ID | #Moves | #Pushes | Time |
1 | cjcjc | 1782 | 389 | 2019-03-08 19:25:48 |
Order | ID | Moves | Pushes | Points |
1 | cjcjc | 1782 | 389 | 100 |
Sorted by #pushes, #moves and time:
Order | ID | #Pushes | #Moves | Time |
1 | cjcjc | 389 | 1782 | 2019-03-08 19:25:48 |
Order | ID | Pushes | Moves | Points |
1 | cjcjc | 389 | 1782 | 99.5 |
The champions are cjcjc and .
Final Ranking by total points: (if two players have the same total points, the one with higher ranking in the BestMove list ranks higher in the final list)
Order | ID | Total Points |
1 | cjcjc | 199.5 |
Lucky number is 11111 (password is 11111). R = 11111 % -1 = 0 .
Lucky Player List: (Lucky player is shown in red font)
Order | ID |
Solutions are listed in the order they were submitted. The submitted time is shown in Beijing Time (GMT +8).
Order | Time | ID | Country | #Moves | #Pushes |
1 | 2019-03-08 16:30:18 | cjcjc | 2917 | 518 | |
2 | 2019-03-12 13:28:02 | 一目了然 | 1811 | 406 | |
3 | 2019-03-12 17:18:59 | stopheart | 5799 | 934 | |
4 | 2019-03-27 12:15:52 | XiBeiTianLang | 1799 | 400 | |
5 | 2019-03-28 11:18:43 | 一目了然 | 1749 | 388 | |
6 | 2019-03-28 11:32:41 | XiBeiTianLang | 1727 | 374 | |
7 | 2019-03-29 11:14:52 | XiBeiTianLang | 1517 | 298 |
Sorted by #moves, #pushes, and time:
Order | ID | #Moves | #Pushes | Time |
1 | XiBeiTianLang | 1517 | 298 | 2019-03-29 11:14:52 |
2 | XiBeiTianLang | 1727 | 374 | 2019-03-28 11:32:41 |
3 | 一目了然 | 1749 | 388 | 2019-03-28 11:18:43 |
4 | XiBeiTianLang | 1799 | 400 | 2019-03-27 12:15:52 |
5 | 一目了然 | 1811 | 406 | 2019-03-12 13:28:02 |
6 | cjcjc | 2917 | 518 | 2019-03-08 16:30:18 |
7 | stopheart | 5799 | 934 | 2019-03-12 17:18:59 |
Order | ID | Moves | Pushes | Points |
1 | XiBeiTianLang | 1517 | 298 | 100 |
2 | 一目了然 | 1749 | 388 | 99 |
3 | cjcjc | 2917 | 518 | 98 |
4 | stopheart | 5799 | 934 | 97 |
Sorted by #pushes, #moves and time:
Order | ID | #Pushes | #Moves | Time |
1 | XiBeiTianLang | 298 | 1517 | 2019-03-29 11:14:52 |
2 | XiBeiTianLang | 374 | 1727 | 2019-03-28 11:32:41 |
3 | 一目了然 | 388 | 1749 | 2019-03-28 11:18:43 |
4 | XiBeiTianLang | 400 | 1799 | 2019-03-27 12:15:52 |
5 | 一目了然 | 406 | 1811 | 2019-03-12 13:28:02 |
6 | cjcjc | 518 | 2917 | 2019-03-08 16:30:18 |
7 | stopheart | 934 | 5799 | 2019-03-12 17:18:59 |
Order | ID | Pushes | Moves | Points |
1 | XiBeiTianLang | 298 | 1517 | 99.5 |
2 | 一目了然 | 388 | 1749 | 98.5 |
3 | cjcjc | 518 | 2917 | 97.5 |
4 | stopheart | 934 | 5799 | 96.5 |
The champions are XiBeiTianLang and 一目了然.
Final Ranking by total points: (if two players have the same total points, the one with higher ranking in the BestMove list ranks higher in the final list)
Order | ID | Total Points |
1 | XiBeiTianLang | 199.5 |
2 | 一目了然 | 197.5 |
3 | cjcjc | 195.5 |
4 | stopheart | 193.5 |
Solutions are listed in the order they were submitted. The submitted time is shown in Beijing Time (GMT +8).
Order | Time | ID | Country | #Moves | #Pushes |
Solutions are listed in the order they were submitted. The submitted time is shown in Beijing Time (GMT +8).
Order | Time | ID | Country | #Moves | #Pushes |